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Most people want homes to be quiet, with little external noise to disrupt them. But while building and designing homes, the acoustics are probably the last thing on a homeowner’s mind. And builders and developers don’t prioritize eliminating noise pollution either. It is simply one of those issues that are out of sight and out of mind—at least until a problem arises. And unfortunately, most homeowners are baffled by acoustics and unsure of how to resolve the issue. So here is a helpful guide about sound and a few tips to put a damper on noise pollution in your home.

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Understanding Sound

Sound has four relationships with the surfaces in a room. It can be transmitted by passing through something, like windows or thin walls. It can also reflect and bounce off of hard surfaces, like walls and wood floors. It can be absorbed by thick materials, like carpets and drapes. Or, in some cases, it can diffuse or scatter.

With too much sound transmission and reflection, a room feels loud, chaotic, and unbearable. But too much absorption and a room feel stifled and dull. Or with too much diffusion it can be difficult to know where a sound is coming from or follow conversations. That is why balancing transmission, reflection, absorption, and diffusion is so important.

Three Tips for Solving Sound Problems in Your Home

Here are some practical solutions to help you achieve acoustic harmony in your home:

1. Use Blinds and Drapes

A wall of windows is a beautiful addition. But even when closed, windows are the number one transmitters of outside sound. Next, are glass doors. The best way to keep your view, but still have some semblance of quiet, is to get thick blinds and drapes. These will help diffuse and absorb the sound transmitted through the glass.

2. Purchase Cushy Couches and Large Area Rugs

The open concept floorplan is vastly popular, and for good reason. It allows you to move quickly from the kitchen to the living room, accommodate more people for parties and gives you the space you crave. But it can also be a sonic nightmare. To mitigate sound in these large areas you want to purchase couches, throw pillows, and area rugs that are soft and thick to help absorb unwanted noise.

3. Replace Old Windows

Through the years you may have noticed the noise coming through your windows getting louder. This is because over time the seals and materials of old windows break down. And if you notice more sound, it is likely that cold or hot air is coming in, too. This can drive up your heating and cooling costs. You may also have single pane windows with or without storm windows, which do little to reduce sound transmission. Modern windows with double pane glass, a glass of different thicknesses, or even laminated glass greatly reduce sound transmission.

So to solve your noise and energy problems in one go you will want to replace your old, leaky windows. Modern technologies and materials make these new products quieter, and more efficient than ever.

Choose Home Supply Window and Door for New Windows

Even if you live on a busy street or along a highway, you can still find privacy and solitude inside your home. We offer a variety of high-quality products and with our detailed product knowledge, we are sure to find the right windows for your personal needs. Contact us at 973-949-5401 or stop by 160 Van Winkle Ave, Hawthorne, NJ 07506.