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Windows can be both beautiful and functional. They are also one of the weakest links in the insulation of your home. In fact, they typically account for the largest amounts of energy loss and could be costing you hundreds of dollars each year. So in an effort to reduce these losses, window manufacturers make constant design improvements. One of the leading developments is inert gas sealed between windowpanes.

Double and triple-glazed windows have incredibly high R-values, which means they are better insulators. Not only do they help make your home more comfortable, but they also help you cut costs on your energy bills. They are also a sizable investment, which is why homeowners want to find out all they can about these products before purchasing. If you are looking to upgrade your windows in the next few months, here is what you should know about inert gas fills.

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What are Gas Fills?

When double-glazed windows were first developed, manufacturers simply sealed oxygen between the panes. Unfortunately, it was too reactive. It would expand and contract with the hot and cold and would readily transfer heat. This is not ideal if you are looking to improve energy efficiency. So today, many manufacturers pump special gas inside their insulated glass units (IGUs), displacing the oxygen with something more efficient. The most common gas options used by manufacturers include argon and krypton. While these non-toxic gases are odorless and colorless, they are denser than ordinary air. That extra density makes them less reactive, minimizes convective currents, and reduces heat transfer in both directions.

More about Argon and Krypton Gas

Argon gas comprises slightly less than 1% of the earth’s atmosphere. And while it is not as energy efficient as krypton gas, argon’s conductivity is roughly 67% that of oxygen. It works best for windows with a gap of about half an inch between window panes. And because it is inexpensive to produce, it is an attractive option for many manufacturers and homeowners. The additional cost per unit can be recouped in a relatively short amount of time.

Krypton shares many of the same qualities, except it, insulate even better because it is even denser than argon. But it is also more expensive to produce. Because of this, many manufacturers reserve this noble gas for use in IGUs with narrower gaps between the panes. Unfortunately, it will take much longer to recoup the cost.

Benefits of Gas-Filled IGUs

In addition to energy savings, these windows also:

  • Cut down on noise pollution
  • Reduce the likelihood of condensation
  • Help prevent frost on window panes
  • Block harmful ultraviolet rays
  • Do not corrode the frame material

If you want to know more about insulated IGUs, come to Home Supply Window and Door. We provide top quality windows in the NY metro area. Visit us at 160 Van Winkle Ave, Hawthorne, NJ 07506 or call 973-949-5401 to set up a consultation.