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Have you been looking into replacement windows for your home? There are so many options on the market, it can be difficult to narrow down your choices. Especially because there are so many new technologies and materials you might not know about. Before making a final decision on such an investment, you want to be sure to get the best products and value. Here is some information that might prove useful.

Up until recently, vinyl windows were made entirely of vinyl, wood windows were made of wood, and aluminum windows were made of aluminum. But modern manufacturers have found ways to blend the strength and beauty of these materials in ways that make windows sturdier…and more beautiful. Two such products include Cellular PVC windows and Hybrid windows. They are both becoming more common on the market, and offer a host of useful features.

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What is Cellular PVC Windows?

Regular vinyl windows are made from a thermoplastic polymer. They are common and growing in popularity because they are durable, affordable, and weather resistant. But many people do not love the way these windows look. The frames consist of several hollow chambers, which are a bit bulky. And the colors of vinyl are often limited to more neutral hues. Cellular PVC windows solve these problems.

While cellular PVC windows are made from the same materials, the manufacturing process is quite different. These window frames feature a closed cell foam structure. This makes them solid and more like wood that can be sawed and nailed. In fact, Cellular PVC frames look just like wood window frames. And, like wood windows, these can also be painted to match the interior style of your home. They are rot-proof, weatherproof, and pest proof. They are also more energy efficient and will not swell, warp, bend, crack, or splinter. And they also have the low maintenance requirements of regular vinyl.

What are Hybrid Windows?

If you are looking for the next advancement in window technology, you will find it in Hybrid windows. These offer you the strength of the cellular PVC frames with wood clad sashes. These are versatile frames that work well for both historical applications and new constructions. You can choose a from a wide range of standard colors, or custom options. Also, the frame sizes can fit rough openings, so you can mix and match the styles to best suit your tastes.

Choosing Cellular PVC and Hybrid Windows

Product offerings in these advanced materials include casement, awning, double hung, direct set, sliding, and radius windows. These are easier to maintain than wood and such an improvement over regular vinyl. Consider the appreciation of your home, lower utility bills, and the overall elegance and durability of these materials.

The benefits of these modern materials are considerable and well worth your time. So if you are looking for replacement windows and want to take a closer look at these products, consider stopping by 160 Van Winkle Ave, Hawthorne, NJ 07506. At Home Supply Window and Door, we provide detailed product and design knowledge and can walk you through each product in turn. To set up an appointment, contact 973-949-5401.